Sunday, 16 January 2011

how to lose weight?

well i always get asked by people  "how can i lose weight quick?" the truth is there is no shortcut to losing 30lbs in 2 weeks, the amount you lose depends on how much you work to get to you optimum weight!

so in this post i will be sharing with you the easiest, steadiest and healthiest way to lose weight continuously until you hit your optimum weight.

first off there is something you should remember. losing weight is all a game of numbers, numbers otherwise known as CALORIES. it doesn't matter if you only have 1 proper meal a day, if your binging on snacks with high calories in between meals your will pile on the pounds

so first thing you want to do is make a schedule or a plan. the schedule should contain a time at which you will eat breakfast, dinner and supper. if necessary this can also contain how many snacks in between meals you can eat.

another option that will help you is to have a table ready to note down how many calories each product you eat contains because this will be needed to help you lose weight

so first off add up all the calories which you would eat in a usual day, then your aim for the first 2 weeks is to cut the amount of calories you have a day by 5-7% and in this article i will be using the example of  2000 calories before you enter the programme. so if you eat 2000 calories a day then you should aim to eat approximately 1880 calories a day give and take a few calories each way. you can lose these few calories by choosing products with less calories or just by taking out 2 snacks from your diet.

after the first 2 weeks you want to record your progress to see if any weight loss is achieved. now after the first 2 weeks is up we want to cut by 5-7% again so we take 5%-7% off 1880 which means you should be eating approximately 1760 calories a day again this can be achieved by just losing a between meal snack.

depending how much weight you would like to lose you just keep repeating the process of losing 5%-7% and then if you haven't reached your target after 2 weeks then lose another 5%-7%

other things you should be doing between eating is exercise. exercise is key to fitness, if you exercise daily then pieces of the body you cant see such as the heart, lungs and brain will become more healthy. just simple circuits which consist of  squats, star jumps, sit ups, press ups and so on will be enough to maintain a healthy lifestyle. to make these sessions easier i suggest you take a look at my other post on energy drinks to see how  energy drinks can improve your physical fitness and make you feel more replenished, i also suggest you take a look at the side bar to the right to find related information which will help you further

NOTE: this is not a get slim quick guide, this is a guide which requires motivation and determination, do not take this guide to drastic measures.

thanks for reading, if you would like more information and help feel free to view my sponsors in the side bar on the right.

good luck losing your weight, take care.

best energy drink

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